
News & Events

24 September 2021

Over 100 participants attended CSIL CBA webinar

On 22-23-24 September 2021, CSIL organised a webinar on KEEPING PACE WITH CBA: Investment appraisal for the Next Generation EU. Over 100 professionals attended the webinar in its three sessions. Participants were scholars, EU and national institutions officers and consultants, who connected from 19 different European countries.

The three sessions focused on using CBA in the context of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and Next Generation EU, with real cases on key investment sectors: healthcare, energy efficiency, RDI, digitalisation.

On the first day, Henrik Andersson talked about the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis; Julien Bollati presented the work of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and the role of CBA in assessing energy projects.
Witold Willak (DG REGIO) and Davide Sartori (EIB) presented the new Economic Appraisal Vademecum, and the session closed with practical experiences from Lithuania, France and Slovakia.

On day two, American economist W. Kip Viscusi, one of the world's leading authorities on CBA, delivered a lecture on evaluating mortality risk reduction, with a case history on COVID-19. Jessica Catalano discussed the pandemic impact on the Social Discount Rate estimates in EU countries; EIB officers shared their experience evaluating energy efficiency and ICT investments.

On the last day, professor Phoebe Koundouri, a global leader in sustainable development, presented a social cost-benefit analysis and sustainability investigations for OpenAIRE: the European Open Science Infrastructure. Researchers from CSIL and the University of Milan discussed project evaluation of Research Infrastructures, investments in physics and the space sector.

CSIL experts regularly apply Cost-Benefit Analysis in different sectors. We look forward to share knowledge and experiences, also organising and participating in further online and in-person events. As soon as possible and safe for everybody, we will launch the 10th edition of the Milan Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis and other training.

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