The Evaluation of investments in Research and Technological Development (RTD) infrastructures and activities supported by the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) in the period 2007-2013, led by CSIL in cooperation with its consortium members and consultants, is now available online.
The study covers 53 Operational programmes implemented in 18 selected Member States. It provides an overview of how ERDF funding for RTD has been used across the EU and assesses the results identified. It determines the types of intervention that have been most successful (or effective) and the factors contributing to their success.
CSIL-led team examined RTD infrastructure and activities investments’ effectiveness, efficiency, impact, coherence with other policies, relevance, and EU added value. Activities included analysis of monitoring data, literature review, theory of change, project evaluation, extensive operation plan review and country case studies to illustrate tangible effects (expected and unexpected) of investments in RDI through the ERDF and 21 policy-instrument theory-based evaluations with contribution analysis.
The evaluation’s outputs comprise projects and beneficiaries mapping presented in an interactive dashboard published on the ESIF Open Data portal, an RTD Cookbook for ERDF supported investments, a stakeholder seminar and a Final Evaluation Report that has just been published on DG REGIO website.