
News & Events

7 June 2022

CSIL in Paris at the FCC week 2022

From 30 May to 3 June, at the Sorbonne Université in Paris, the FCC week brought together the community working towards the Future Circular Collider, a world-leading high-energy physics infrastructure.
CSIL presented the progress made to assess the socio-economic impacts of the FCC, part of our work within the EU-funded H2020 FCCIS project.

Professor Massimo Florio addressed science in the context of European funding mechanisms and how funders of public investment in science and technology require applicants to demonstrate the expected socio-economic returns of their projects. The talk presented opportunities and requirements by the European Commission, European Investment Bank, ESFRI and other international and national funders of science and technology.

Emanuela Sirtori recalled definitions of the impact pathways and assumptions used to build the model to estimate the future impacts of the FCC-ee. CSIL has developed the model building on international practice and previous experience in evaluating the socio-economic impacts of Big Science projects.

Francesco Giffoni presented preliminary results of a new analysis to calculate the economic multiplier of the FCC-ee procurement on supplier companies and the mechanisms through which the procurement relationship might benefit the industry.

Find out more out the FCC week 2022

Read more about the FCCIS project

FCCIS – The Future Circular Collider Innovation Study. This INFRADEV Research and Innovation Action project receives funding from the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 951754.

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