
News & Events

15 March 2023

Mapping of Long-term Public and Private Investments in the Development of Covid-19 Vaccines

CSIL experts will present the new study “Mapping of Long-term Public and Private Investments in the Development of Covid-19 Vaccines” at the European Parliament on Thursday, 23 March 2023, 16:30-18:30 (Spinelli 1E2).

The study was commissioned to CSIL by the European Parliament’s COVI committee. The research provides a mapping of funds for vaccine R&D and for the expansion of the production capacity of COVID-19 vaccines, with a focus on the EU. It assesses the necessity for continuing public support to R&D on vaccines. After highlighting current market failures, the study discusses possible new incentive mechanisms in the public interest for vaccine R&D designed to grant equity and accessibility and rewards in line with risks.

The presentation will be web-streamed live and will be followed by a questions and answers session.

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