Policy advisory and evaluation


Policy advisory and evaluation play crucial roles in shaping effective governance. They provide informed recommendations and assess the impact and efficiency of policies, ensuring their alignment with desired outcomes.

CSIL experts support the public sector in designing, analysing and evaluating policies and programmes so as to optimise spending and increase accountability and effectiveness. They have worked across many sectors and have specialised in some key policy areas, including regional development, SME competitiveness, research and innovation, and digital transformation. CSIL has longstanding experience in implementing (ex-ante, in itinere and ex-post) evaluations of investment projects financed by public authorities and, in particular, with the EU funds, enabling the team to provide high-quality evaluation services with respect to methodology and practical experience.

CSIL can offer:

  • Developing policy papers and policy briefs, analysing complex data and distilling it into clear, accessible language suitable for diverse audiences to present evidence-based insights on selected policy areas;
  • Conducting in-depth assessments of proposed policies, examining their implications, feasibility, and potential impact to provide comprehensive insights for decision-makers;
  • Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of existing programmes or interventions, utilising data-driven methodologies to measure outcomes and recommend improvements;
  • Supporting stakeholders to develop long-term strategies, aligning policy goals with organisational objectives and ensuring a cohesive and forward-looking approach;
  • Evaluating the potential consequences of regulatory proposals, considering economic, social, and environmental factors to inform decision-makers about the likely impacts;
  • Facilitating communication and collaboration between policymakers and relevant stakeholders, ensuring diverse perspectives are considered in the policy development and evaluation processes;
  • Developing and implementing frameworks for monitoring and measuring policy performance, using key performance indicators (KPIs) to track and evaluate organisational performance;
  • Conducting meta-evaluations to systematically assess the design, implementation, and results of previous evaluation efforts, providing insights for refining future evaluation methodologies and informing future policymaking.

Our approach to evaluation and policy analysis is aimed at formulating action-based and practical recommendations. It combines innovative techniques with a robust foundation in quantitative methods. In addition, CSIL experts place significant emphasis on gathering primary qualitative insights through methods such as interviews, surveys, and focus groups. CSIL’s strategy for policy analysis and evaluation is geared towards crafting personalised, evidence-based, and actionable recommendations.

Econometric analysis

Statistical analysis

Bayesian network analysis


Counterfactual analysis

Cost-benefit analysis

Risk analysis



Seminars and 
focus groups

Case studies

Peer reviews
