This study considers SMEs, enterprises, and intermediary organisations opinion on the effectiveness of innovation support in Europe. The research team gathered abundant evidence to enable a thorough understanding of:
i) the main factors hampering innovation in SMEs, also in light of the recent technology and market developments in specific sectors and countries;
ii) the forms of innovation support received by SMEs;
iii) the level of satisfaction of SMEs regarding the support received;
iv) gaps in existing SME innovation support;
v) effectiveness and impact of the INNOSUP actions funded under H2020.
The study considers a wide range of instruments (direct and indirect) supporting innovation in SMEs at European, national and regional levels, including grants, voucher schemes, tax incentives, financial instruments, subsidised loans, support services and their combinations.
Among the activities, CSIL carried out a survey representative of the EU28 SME population. CSIL also coordinated the theory-based impact evaluation of a sample of INNOSUP initiatives implemented by the European Commission to support SME innovation.
The outputs offer insights into the most recent barriers to SMEs' innovation and SMEs' expectations regarding public innovation support to contribute to evidence-based policymaking. Moreover, recommendations suggest how to make public innovation support more efficient and effective, identify actors to be involved and assess whether they can be implemented within the existing EU policy and regulatory framework or revisions would be required.