



Industrial competitiveness
Data for EOTA decision making
Industrial competitiveness
SMEs and Open Strategic Autonomy
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluationRegional developmentResearch and innovation policy
Evaluation of ERDF Impact on RTDI 2014-2020
Project appraisal and impact assessmentResearch and innovation policy
PathOS - Open Science Impact Pathways
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Ex-post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes financed by the ERDF in 2014-2020 - SME Support
Industrial competitivenessSustainability and circular economy
Circular Economy Pilots, Textile value chains in Egypt
Industrial competitivenessSustainability and circular economy
Analysis of Willingness to Pay for Sustainability in the Mattress Value Chain
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Evaluation of the 2014-2020 Youth Guarantee 2.0 in Malta
Capacity building and trainingResearch and innovation policy
Fostering knowledge valorisation through citizen engagement
Industrial competitiveness
SMES and high inflation
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional developmentSustainability and circular economy
Ex post evaluation of Cohesion policy programmes financed by the ERDF in 2014-2020. European Green Deal
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Evaluation of EIB advisory activities in the European Union
Policy advisory and evaluationResearch and innovation policy
Horizon Public Consultation
Capacity building and trainingProject appraisal and impact assessment
Cost-benefit analysis training
Capacity building and trainingRegional development
Increasing Italy’s less developed regions’ administrative capacity
Policy advisory and evaluationResearch and innovation policy
External evaluation of the BID programme
Policy advisory and evaluationResearch and innovation policy
Evaluation study on the European Innovation Council (EIC) Pilot
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
Evaluation of EIBG equity & quasi equity support to SMEs and mid-caps
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
Artificial Intelligence and Urban Development
Industrial competitivenessSustainability and circular economy
The EU textile ecosystems and its competitiveness
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Study on the monitoring data on ERDF and Cohesion Fund operations
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
Study on the effectiveness of public innovation support for SMEs in Europe
Market analysis
Smart & Fast Cities
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
Study on prioritisation in Smart Specialisation Strategies in the EU
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
Evaluation of certain aspects of the New Legislative Framework
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
Evaluation of “Nuova Sabatini”
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
Evaluation of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
Evaluation of Lazio Region reindustrialisation program
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
Impact Assessment Study on the Possible Revision of the Product Liability Directive
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluationResearch and innovation policy
FCCIS - Future Circular Collider Innovation Study
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Evaluation of EIB support to Urban Mobility in EU-28 (2007-2019)
Project appraisal and impact assessmentResearch and innovation policy
Charting Impact Pathways of Investment in Research Infrastructure
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Urban Innovative Actions
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
The Role of Evaluation in Cohesion Policy
Capacity building and trainingProject appraisal and impact assessment
Milan Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Feasibility Study for use of Budget Support in ESI Funds
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluation
European Artificial Intelligence leadership, the path for an integrated vision
Capacity building and trainingIndustrial competitiveness
Roadmap for competitive development of Ukrainian furniture industry
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Digital Agenda and Cohesion Policy
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Analysis of ERDF support to inclusive growth
Capacity building and trainingPolicy advisory and evaluation
CBA guidelines for RSE research projects
Industrial competitivenessMarket analysis
The European market for lighting controls and IoT
Capacity building and trainingRegional development
CBA training for investment projects
Capacity building and trainingPolicy advisory and evaluation
Training on evaluation of public investment projects in Slovenia
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Public Private Partnerships and Cohesion Policy
Capacity building and trainingProject appraisal and impact assessment
Training in Cost Benefit Analysis of investment projects in Skopje
Policy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Assessment of result-orientation of SME calls in Croatia CCOP 2014-2020
Policy advisory and evaluation
Re-design Intrastat: a cost-benefit analysis
Policy advisory and evaluationResearch and innovation policy
Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Research, Development and Innovation Sector
Industrial competitivenessPolicy advisory and evaluationRegional development
Ex post evaluation "Increasing research and innovation in SMEs and SME development"
Project appraisal and impact assessmentRegional development
EC Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects
Industrial competitivenessMarket analysis
World observatory of furniture manufacturing clusters
Capacity building and trainingPolicy advisory and evaluation
Promoting fiscal discipline in public investments through CBA - Ghana
Industrial competitivenessMarket analysis
Canadian hardwood entry strategy in European markets