
News & Events

28 August 2024

The RRF: Key Innovations and the Interplay With Cohesion Policy

Chiara Pancotti and Matteo Pedralli contributed to a ZEW’s discussion paper titled “The Recovery and Resilience Facility: Key Innovations and the Interplay With Cohesion Policy”, which originates from the study conducted for DG ECFIN “Supporting the Mid-term Evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility” in 2023-2024.

With the aim of contributing to the ongoing discussions on the future of the post-2027 Cohesion Policy, the paper delves into the functioning of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). It examines the interplay between the RRF and CP, illustrating their respective governance structures, the key strengths of the RRF, the main obstacles to its implementation, and the interaction between the two instruments. The chapter concludes that the RRF can provide at least two sources of inspiration for the future of CP and EU public investment policies: the performance-based payment mechanism and the link between reforms and investments.

? Read the full chapter

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